Keeping your expenses in check is a critical way to save for those bigger purchases down the road. Utility costs in winter can be a big expense for households. Thankfully, there are simple steps you can take to save energy at home.
Turn Off the Lights
Turning off lights when leaving a room is an easy and inexpensive way to lower your electricity bills. If you compare energy plans, switching to LED bulbs will help you save even more money in the long run.
However, it’s important to note that lighting represents only a small portion of home electrical consumption. To maximize savings on your energy bill, you should also focus on reducing the use of electric heating and cooling, electric water heaters, electric ranges, and clothes dryers.
For example, it is recommended to use energy-efficient halogen or LED light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs, which are the least efficient, using 90% of the power they consume for heat rather than light. Also, it is important to know that the cost of switching a light bulb on and off for an hour depends on its wattage, local electricity price per kilowatt hour, and time of day. Using an online calculator can be helpful to estimate the amount of money you would save by turning off your lights for one hour.
Turn Down the Heat
With winter approaching and rising energy prices, homeowners are searching for ways to lower their home energy bills. Investing in an energy audit is one great option that can save you 5% to 30% on your utility bill by fixing home efficiency issues such as air leaks and inefficient appliances. You can also reduce your bills by investing in LED light bulbs, which use 75% less energy than traditional incandescent/halogen lights.
When lowering your energy bills, one of the easiest things you can do is turn down the heat at night. Heating your home is a major source of utility costs, so reducing the temperature by even seven degrees overnight can significantly impact your bills.
Besides saving money, turning down the heat at night can also help you sleep better. Medical professionals recommend keeping your bedroom temperature around 60 degrees to promote a good night’s rest.
Turn Off the Water Heater
You may have heard that turning off your water heater saves energy. While you save a bit by switching it off at night, leaving it off all day will make a small difference to your energy bills.
Your heating costs are higher this year, but you can cut back on your usage and reduce your bills in many ways. Water heating accounts for up to 25 percent of your household energy costs, so any way you can reduce this consumption is worth looking into.
Showering and washing your hands use the most hot water in your home, so reducing how long you spend in the shower can impact your utility bills. Switching to an efficient showerhead (look for the EPA’s WaterSense label) can save up to 2,700 gallons of water annually.
Use Energy-Efficient Appliances
Using energy-efficient appliances will help you cut your electric bills because they use less energy. These appliances also conserve the environment, which is good for all of us.
When choosing appliances with an Energy Star label, you can rest assured that they meet the government’s energy efficiency guidelines. These appliances will also reduce greenhouse gasses and other air pollutants.
If you’re a homeowner or considering buying a new home, consider choosing energy-efficient appliances. They will cut your recurring utility costs over time. The upfront cost may be higher, but these appliances will pay for themselves over the long run.
Unplug electronic devices that aren’t in use to avoid “vampire loads.” These items suck up energy even when they are turned off, and they account for 5%-10% of household power consumption. Unplugging these devices or putting them on a power strip that has an automatic switch can save you hundreds of dollars over a year.
Use Energy-Efficient Lighting
Homeowners who choose energy-efficient lighting options can lower their energy bills while contributing to a more sustainable future. LED bulbs consume 80% less electricity than traditional incandescent lights and last up to 25 times longer. They also emit fewer harmful chemicals, making them eco-friendly for homeowners or renters.
Other simple steps to lowering your home energy bills include:
- Using a power strip and turning off multiple electronics at the same time.
- Allowing sunlight to heat your home during the day.
- Closing blinds or curtains at night.
Energy costs have been rising steadily for the past decade and will likely continue to climb into the foreseeable future. Taking the time to conduct an energy audit, swapping out old appliances for more efficient ones, and following these easy tips can help you save money while protecting your budget from future energy price increases.